White Chocolate & Cranberry Fudge

I have a lovely sweet treat for you today! I got a leaflet through the post from Tesco the other day and after removing my money off vouchers (every little helps or so they say) I was just about to recycle it when I noticed this recipe on it and thought ‘yum’!

So after gathering together my ingredients and lining a 10×8 inch baking tray with baking parchment I began melting the sugar, butter and evaporated milk in a heavy pan.

Heat the mixture gently until the sugar has dissolved, then bring to the boil, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon, then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. The recipe states that it is a good idea to set a timer for this!

Immediately remove from the heat and add the cranberries and chocolate. Allow the chocolate to melt, then quickly stir the mixture and pour straight into the tin as it begins to thicken immediately.

Spread it in the tin and allow to chill for an hour or so ( I put mine in the fridge when it cooled) until it is firm, then cut into squares.

And what does it taste like I hear you ask, it’s absolutely delicious and I suspect won’t last too long in this house!!

Before I go I just want to say a big thank you to my lovely friend Amanda of Itchin’ Stitchin’ for featuring my blog on her Handmade Crafts Blog Tour. It was such a lovely thing to do and a complete surprise. So thanks again Amanda for being so kind! 🙂

Can you believe tomorrow is Friday again, where do the weeks disappear too? Hope you’re all organised for Christmas and can take some time to relax and perhaps make some fudge!

Enjoy your weekend ! 🙂

17 responses to “White Chocolate & Cranberry Fudge”

  1. Thanks for a greeat read

  2. I don’t like white chocolate but this seems so good!! yummie!
    Have amerry Christmas, Vivienne!

  3. Good morning Vivienne ….. woof woof from Bella on my knee!
    This is a very serious posting! I wonder if there shouldn’t be a Government Health Warning with it!!!!! It looks soooooooooooo tempting! :0)
    Thank you for leaving a message on my blog, I haven’t been around for a little while so have enjoyed reading through your “saved up posts”
    Have a lovely Christmas Vivienne,
    love Val and a huge lick from Bella

  4. Oh Vivienne, this recipe looks like it would be perfect for my man. He absolutely adores both white chocolate and fudge so I think this will be definitely be on the ‘to do’ list over the holidays… 🙂

    Thank you so very much for the christmas wishes, I do hope you and your family have the most wonderful time too and all the very best for the new year!

    Oh, and I just want to say a huge thank you for all your lovely comments over on my wee blog. It is absolutely lovely to have you and I shall look forward to seeing you there in 2011… 🙂

    Emma & Spanner, x

  5. My mouth is watering!!! I sometimes make cranberry fudge but not a white chocolate one! It looks delish! I may have to make a batch!!! x

  6. Ooooo – why are you doing this to me, I can feel my cravings overwhelming me! 😀

  7. Ooooh that looks good. Very christmassy too like cranberries in snow!

  8. Hi Viv, The fudge looks amazing! Yummy with the white and red colors it’s so pretty.
    Isn’t it nice when someone features you on there blog. We should all do that more.

    Oh, how the months are moving along.

    Hugs, Dani

  9. This fudge looks absolutely deeelicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe – I’ll definately be making some!(And it will match my red and white decorations so well! Your fudge photos are wonderful too!
    Helen x

  10. Thank you so much, Viv, for sharing! I will try that, but I need to replace the cranberries with something else as I haven’t got any…Any suggestions?

    And oh dear, it’s almost weekend again, only a week until Christmas!!

    Happy day and wonderful weekend, Viv!


  11. Oh that looks so yummy :)! No need for the thanks, your handmade items are gorgeous and deserve recognition.

  12. They look so festive. I could just eat one of those with my cuppa right now!!

  13. Mmmmmm very yummy. I usually catch up my blogs with a cup of tea at the computer and this is no exception – how I wish you could email me some Vivienne! Keep warm, I think the artic swirl is on its way, I have just driven home and the gritters are out in full force!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe, it’s really my style ie nothing too complicated!
    Jane x

  14. omg homemade fudge is the best!
    ive never made it, maybe I should!


  15. Oh no – more sweet treats. They look soooo delicious.

    Nina xxx

  16. That sounds fabulous!

  17. Yummmmmm! That looks delicious. I’m gonna pop the ingredients down on my shopping list. My other half will absolutely love this. Thanks for sharing the recipe Vivienne.xx

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