Playing Hooky

I’ve been playing hooky these pass couple of days, flitting from one thing to another I have to say!!

I think I have a bit of a colour theme going on but truth be told these colours are never far from my hands as I love them.

The one thing I have been noticing lately is how much more crochet I do now compared to knitting. I was always a knitter with just a litte crochet thrown in but now I seem to have the hook in my hand more than my needles. Knitting was always my first love but now it seems to have taken a back seat.

Must do more knitting!! I do have a scarf on the needles at the moment so I’ll have to work on that.

Just a couple of little mentions before I go into the weekend.

Firstly I would like to thank the lovely Susana from La Ventana Azul for passing on the ‘One Lovely Blog’ award to me. Susana likes ‘playing hooky’ too.

Thank you so much Susana for being so kind.

Finally I would like to send my very best wishes to my lovely bloggy friend Jane as her daughter gets married tomorrow!! Have a wonderful day Jane and wish M & T a happy future together! 🙂

Happy sunny weekend everyone, enjoy the Olympics, ‘let the games begin’!!! 🙂

17 responses to “Playing Hooky”

  1. I’m a green freak so those colours are very much my favourite! I really like the look of the circle/square crochet, I do like simple shapes and bold colours and I’m rather excited to see how it turns out. Bethx

  2. Hello lovely Vivienne…I just love your colour scheme here…the colours are beautiful together…I do wish you lived nearby and you could pass on your wonderful crochet skills to me!
    Hope you are having a happy week,
    Susan x

  3. What beautiful crocheted creations, Vivienne. You have such talent. Look forward to seeing your next Bunny – I wonder what you’ll name him/her. Managed to catch most of the opening ceremony on Friday night, which was totally brilliant. Loved watching the women’s road race yesterday morning too. Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. xx

  4. Hi my dear Vivienne…I am back in blogland after the most Perfect will follow. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and warm wishes. Your crochet colours are just gorgeous and I spy a little bunny head there…I wonder who is in the making?? Congrats on your award, so well deserved as your blog is always such a pleasure to visit. The sun is still shining today too ;0) Enjoy the games, I am just loving them!
    Jane x

  5. What pretty flowers and that dear bunny head waiting for a body – how sweet! I too jump back and forth from different creative techniques/directions and I used to think it was wrong but now am realizing how they all work together. The real challenge is finding the time for everything! xo K.

  6. Even I might upset you slightly, dear Vivienne ;), I am going to ask still: is there a hint of autumn in your gorgeous colors? Anyhow everything seems beautiful, and are those rounds for the blanket? Lovely! And more knitting, oh yes, I love that always!

    Happy Sunday dear friend, it rains here are we’re watching the games!


  7. Love those colors, Vivienne. Here’s to a creative and relaxing weekend.


  8. Very pretty colours. I especially like the flowery brooches.

  9. hola Vivienne. Que cosas tan bonitas estás haciendo con el ganchillo, tengo ganas de verlo terminado.

  10. I adore those colours – think I’ll pop out today for some yarn!
    P x

  11. Do I spy a little green rabbit LOL. Now how fun is that? I can’t wait to see.
    Hyped up here waiting for the opening ceremony. Enjoy the games and the sunshine too.

  12. Great color choices! I was just thinking the other day that I need to get back into knitting or I’m going to forget how …I’m very very new to knitting.

  13. Hi Vivienne, I’ve been at the hooky stuff too this week, it’s funny how you get back into it again, I go in phases!
    I really like your colours, very zingy and the bunny is looking good.
    Have a good weekend x

  14. I am liking the look of that bunny head!!! I haven’t done any crochet for a couple of years – I never was much of a knitter!!! I think I may be tempted to take up crochet again using beautiful yarns. I only really crocheted with acrylic yarn before as it was all I could afford!!!

    I am going to have a snooze now, then do some jewellery making and then settle down to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic games. I am quite excited now and hope that it lives up to expectations! Have a lovely weekend Vivienne. x

  15. They are gorgeous colours Vivienne. I too swing between crochet and knitting patches – I think it’s nice to have the contrast between the two. Go with the flow I say, I always think that it’s best to keep your fingers happy!

  16. Those flowers are beautiful! I’ve been telling myself lately that I need to get out the knitting a bit too… I have a little something planned. I need practice! Share some of your knitting to inspire us! xoxo

  17. Now those are my kind of colours! They’re quite close to the colour scheme of my blog too. Pretty 😀

    Congratulations on the award, well deserved x

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